The Parish Council meeting was held on the 31st August 2023.

Councillors:   Cllr Metcalfe,  Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Rukin, Cllr Calvert Chair presiding.

The Clerk was Mr Michael Cleminson.

1.       Apologies for Absence:  Cllr Peacock.


2.       Declaration of Interests:  None.



3.       Minutes of previous meeting: The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th June 2023 have been circulated. The Minutes were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by: Cllr Metcalfe and Seconded by: Cllr Reynoldson.


4.       Matters Arising:

a. Surface Dressing of Potholes Thwaite to Keld:  A number of Parishioners had noted that some quite deep potholes had been surfaced dressed without being filled first.  The Clerk posed this question to NYC but received no response.  A complaint was made, a response has been received, but it does not address the issue.

b. Permission to Refurbish 2 Benches and the Noticeboard situated in Thwaite:  The Councillors supported and welcomed this initiative.

c.2 Benches, Muker Village Institute:  One of the benches is rotten and requires attention.  A member of the public has offered to install a new memorial bench to replace it.  Louise Jupp, secretary to the Hall & Institute, posed the question of liability.  The Councillors stated that they merely grant permission and are not liable for any benches situated in the Parish.  This responsibility lies with the owners of the benches.  Clerk to advise the Secretary.

d. Defibrillator at Tan Hill Inn:  A recent inspection by the Clerk, revealed that the Defibrillator was missing.  Contact with staff revealed that it had not been working for some weeks and had been removed.  The Clerk informed them that the defibrillator has to be returned to the USA for repair and a loan obtained.  It was reported by the Clerk that a number of the pads will need replacing in the next few months.  Clerk to install loan when received and source replacement pads when necessary.

e. Emergency Plan for Muker Parish:  Following advertising for volunteers, one volunteer replied.  The decision was that this person should be put in contact with Richard Lewis, who developed the Melbeck’s Emergency Plan.  The Clerk to facilitate this.

f. Commons Act 2008:  Application re. Right of Entry – This application was made by Mr and Mrs Hill.  A Notice was placed in Muker Village Notice Board, the Parish Council have no comments to make on this application.


5.       Finance:

Barclays Bank have confirmed Cllr Reynoldson has the new Treasurer, who is within days of activating electronic banking for the Parish Council.


6.       Highways:

The Clerk reported that the loose broadband cable on Scarr House bridge had now been temporarily secured.  Cllr Metcalfe reported that the nearby road and wall collapse is an emergency repair, and will involve a full road closure.  Highways are considering a number of options to get children to and from school, without having to use the Askrigg diversion.  Provisionally the works may commence on 11th September.  Following a submission of a letter by the Clerk to Rishi Sunak MP, matters  have progressed very quickly.


Downgrading of Gritting Priority from Grade 2 to Grade 3 – Silver Hill to West Stonesdale, which effectively means the road will not be gritted at all in the future.  On Friday 25th August a Microsoft Teams meeting took place with the Winter Review panel of NYC to discuss the downgrading.  The Clerk and a representative for Cllr Rukin joined the meeting and outlined concerns for this downgrading.  The main concerns were for the safety of school children and school bus driver, and local residents who have to use this route with its 25% gradient and 2 very sharp bends.  It is believed that the decision was made to downgrade before the meeting took place.  It was agreed a site visit with representation from the Parish Council to confirm the number of grit bins and appropriate locations.  Councillors would be appalled if this decision is confirmed, and would wish to write a letter to NYC and to copy in to Rishi Sunak MP to outline our concerns for the removal of this service which has been in place for over 50 years.  Clerk to action letter.


Cllr Rukin reported that the cattle grid at Tan Hill remains blocked but West Stonesdale has been cleaned out.  Clerk to report to Highways. Councillors have noted that many previous reports have not been resolved.  Clerk to contact Highways.


7.       Richmondshire D.C

Richmondshire District Council has now been absorbed into North Yorkshire Council (NYC) and is no more, so this item will be removed from the Agenda.


8.        NYC

Plans to adopt 20mph speed limits across all 30mph areas, will not go ahead.  However, Councillors can make application to reduce their speed limits, if it is felt appropriate.  The Councillors were of the opinion that 20mph only had a place outside schools.


9.       YDNPA

Planning Ref R/06/15F – and R/06/15G/LB – High Smithy Holme/Anty John’s Keld, The Parish Council supported both applications to renovate and preserve for re-occupation of a former dwelling.


Planning Ref R/06/262B/LB – Hope House, Keld – to replace single glazing with a double-glazed window.  The Parish Council supports this application, as it will be identical to the existing and will maintain the building.

Bpoth of these application are supported by the Parish Council.


Planning Ref 21/00523/LBC – Tan Hill Inn – this is a revised application for the one first submitted in September 2021.  The Councillors noted the changes to the plans and consider the new plans to be more aesthetic and in keeping with the dales and supported the application.  Only one concern remained regarding parking, which may be a problem in the future.


Planning Ref R/06/272 – Change of Use of Barn to Camping Barn at Skeugh Head Barn, Angram

It was noted that this application has now been refused.


10.   YLCA:-  A Planning information web page is now available to the Parish Council

11.   Correspondence/AOB: 

Gritting – Silver Hill to West Stonesdale.  NYC have renewed their fleet of gritters with larger vehicles which cannot traverse Silver Hill.  Councillor Rukin said that if the gritting is removed, drainage along the road needs to be addressed to minimise water on the road surface.  Also a reflective post or marker board to be placed on the road to Tan Hill at Mould Hill, Ordnance Survey grid reference 889054 to improve driver safety.  The Clerk to report these matters to Highways.


Scarecrows in Upper Swaledale – The Councillors have noted the positive impact of the Scarecrows to both the Community and visitors, and wish to thank Jenni Hall from Hope House for organising this, and hope it will become an annual event.  The Clerk to send a letter on behalf of the Parish Council.


12.   Date and Time of Next Meeting:  7.30pm Thursday 5th October  2023 at Muker Village Hall.

The meeting closed at  8.25pm.